The Sked

Regularly scheduled nets and meetings in and around Ventura County. These are just recurring events; for complete calendars including special events, see the clubs’ calendars on their websites. If you have or know of something that could be added, contact

BORED Net 0900 Mon-Sat, 2100 Sat BORED Net Bozo, 147.885 – 127.3 Saturday Am and PM nets linked to PVARC repeaters
CARA 0900 & 2100 M-F Catalina Repeater Assn. Net 147.090+ no PL, 224.420 – 119.9, 448.900 C4FM

VCARC-K6MEP 2000 Weekly Check-in Contest Net Sulphur 2m repeater, 145.200 – 127.3 Plus PVARC linked repeaters
CVARC 1900 Friendly Slow-Code CW Roundtable 28.053 plus other bands Also MCW on Bozo 147.885 – 127.3

Amgen 1205 Lunch/trivia net 449.400 – 131.7
All County ACS/ARES Weekly Nets see
SBARC 2000 ^ Meter SSB Net 50.125 USB, QSY to 50145 USB

All 0600 75M “prostrate” net 3827+/- LSB
VCARC-K6MEP 1900 10m Net 28.395 USB
CVARC 1900 HF Round Table, currently at 50.333 USB
SBARC 1930 SBARC weekly net 146.79 – 131.8, 224.08 – 131.8
CVARC 1930 C4FM 447.2 Oat Mountain
SBARC 2030 2 Meter SSB Net 144.210 USB

All 0600 75M “prostrate” net 3827+/- LSB
SSARC 0830 40m HF net 7.240 LSB

CVARC 1900 Newbie Net Bozo 147.885 – 127.3 Plus PVARC linked repeaters
VCARC 1600 10M net 28.395 USB

Monthly Meetings
CVARC CW Group 1st Friday 1900 East County Sheriff Station
VCARS 2nd Monday 1900 VC Amateur Radio Society Monthly Mtg Moorpark Chamber of Commerce
SSARC 2nd Thursday 1900 Simi Settlers Monthly Mtg Simi Valley Senior Center
VCARC 2nd Friday 1900 Ventura County ARS Monthly Mtg Dudley House
CVARC 3rd Thursday 1900 Conejo Valley ARC Monthly Mtg East County Sheriff Station
SBARC 3rd Friday 1930 Goleta Union School District, 401 N Fairview Ave. Goleta
LVARC (not listed)
MICRO FIELD DAY! (µFD) (as announced)

Zoom Meetings
CVARC CW Group Monday 1900 See club website
VCARC/K6MEP Monday 2000 See club website
W6VO’s BORED Zoom Wednesday 1500 945 9707 8960 pw016295
Club Monthly Meetings may be held on Zoom as well; refer to their websites