The BORED Net is open to anyone with an amateur radio license in or near Ventura County, California. We meet Mon-Sat at 0900 and Saturday at 2100 on the Bozo repeater, 147.885, minus offset and a PL of 127.3. See the menu above for more details.

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  • Rainy Fun at the Airport

    In spite of nature’s fury the day before, the µFD at Freedom Park on the 25th was a success. 30 people came by, and 7 set up stations. Ben AI6YR couldn’t find an antenna, so brought an old floor lamp from the 80s, which he and April KN6QQW made QSOs with, on 6 and 15 […]

  • Saturday µFD Update

    UPDATE…the weather looks like it will be our friend today…see you all at Freedom Park. The weather outside is frightful…but since people keep asking, I am still planning on being there for µField Day tomorrow. Unless authorities recommend not doing so, that is. I hope we get a lot of people out to play around […]

  • Evacuations for Ventura County Friday and Saturday

    Per VCSO, “A winter storm will bring heavy rain and snowfall through Saturday morning. Evacuation warnings have been issued in areas of concern. Updated incident information is available at “

  • µField Day is Saturday!

    µField Day is upon us again. We had to cancel January because of mud. For February, we’ve picked a site where that won’t be a problem, a paved parking lot with grass on several sides. February 25, 1100 to 1500. We’ll be at Freedom Park at the Camarillo airport, in the lot next to the […]

  • Work in Progress

    Don’t look for much yet-give me a few days-Keith

For site updates, contributions, or issues contact Keith Elliott W6KME also on Mastodon