The BORED Net is open to anyone with an amateur radio license in or near Ventura County, California. We meet Mon-Sat at 0900 and Saturday at 2100 on the Bozo repeater, 147.885, minus offset and a PL of 127.3. See the menu above for more details.
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μField Day July 16
We’ve all survived ARRL Field Day, so it’s time for…another field day! The next µField Day will be this Sunday, July 16th, from 1100 to 1500 as usual, back at the Rancho Potrero West Parking Lot again. CVARC is currently holding a General License class, and the students will be there to get a taste […]
μField Day June 17
ARRL Field Day is approaching, June 24th. So who would be crazy enough to to that TWICE in a month? Yeah, that’s right. June 17th at Rancho Potrero, 11:00am to 3:00 pm as usual. If you’re participating at any of Ventura County’s three FD sites, and you haven’t fired up your mobile HF radio since […]
μField Day at Dudley House May 13th
Another special edition of µField Day is coming…with the Ventura County Amateur Radio Club, at their wonderful home digs at the Dudley House in Ventura. It was a fantastic location last year, with plenty of room plus all mod cons like restrooms and a kitchen. Lots of trees for antennas, lots of really great people. […]
April μFD In The Books
Another µFieldDay in the books…what a beautiful day for some portable ham radio. About 30 people came by, with 9 HF stations set up. As always, some cool antennas ideas, from N6QDI’s surprisingly effective magmount on his car to NS6X’s complicated but gorgeous Buddihex. KD6IEZ was working out some end-fed issues with a few antennas […]
μField Day April 29
Time once again for µField Day, April 29th at Rancho Potrero. We’re into the best time of year-not too cold, not too hot, not much concern about rain or winds…if there’s anything better than hanging around with a bunch of your fellow hams, it’s setting up your own station for some portable operating. We’ve got […]
Thunderbirds, Angels, and rain…oh my!
µField Day, March 19th 2023 was another rainy affair, this time back at Rancho Potrero. The Pt. Mugu Airshow was going on at the same time, so we were treated to the USAF Thunderbirds and USN Blue Angels peeking up over the local hills, and lots of rumbly rumbly jet noise. Ben Ai6YR’s 15m Torchiers […]
μField Day for March 19
The February µField Day was a surprise…in spite of rain (and being just one day after a historic downpour), 30 people showed up at Freedom Park at the Camarillo Airport. A lot of good operating, but the highlight had to be AI6YR’s torchiere lamp antenna on 15m. I’d love to see someone model that. This […]
May μFD set
VCARC has just confirmed the date for our May µField Day at the Dudley House in Ventura, co-sponsored by the BORED net and the club, at 100-1500. It’s an awesome location and a fun bunch, so I hope we see a lot of people from other clubs come by to see their haunt. Making it […]
Next μFD March 19th
I’m looking at a date of March 19th for the next µField Day, most likely at our usual spot at Rancho Potrero. It’s open on all the club calendars. If anyone has input, let me know or say something on the morning nets. It’s a chance to test out the Comment function as well. We’ve […]
Ventura Marathon 2/25
Today was the Ventura Marathon, from Ojai to Ventura just two days after a historic storm and just a few weeks after much of the course was damaged in another. The ham radio component was made up of 15 Aid station with two or more operators, net control in the County ACS trailer, three SAG […]