The BORED Net is open to anyone with an amateur radio license in or near Ventura County, California. We meet Mon-Sat at 0900 and Saturday at 2100 on the Bozo repeater, 147.885, minus offset and a PL of 127.3. See the menu above for more details.
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BORED Net Repeater for Saturday May 4 nets
The repeater usually used for the BORED Net will be in use supporting the Ride to End ALS in the morning, so the 0900 BORED Net will be on the Grissom Repeater in Thousand oaks. 146.850, minus offset, and a PL tone of 94.8. The usual PVARC links won’t be available. This is the usual […]
μField Day April 21st
It’s µFD time again 🙂 Once again at the Ventura County Fire Department’s training facility at the Camarillo Airport, and once again thanks to Dan Dicke KE6NYT. 11:00am to 3:00pm as always. This month, µFD is the same day as ARRL’s Rookie Roundup, and Ventura County Amateur Radio Society VCARS will be there with a […]
μField Day March 24th
It’s on…µFD will be March 24th from 1100 to 1500 or so. Back again at the Ventura County Fire Department’s training ground at the Camarillo Airport. As always, µFD is open to EVERYONE, all hams, all clubs, all people with or without licenses interested in ham radio and having a good time with like-minded people. […]
OMG there’s MERCH!!!
You read that right…The BORED Net now has merch! Be the first on your block! Look like one of the Cool Kids! Visit and take a look. We’ll have a lot of new items (especially buttons) regularly, so check often. These items are printed and shipped to order. Unfortunately that means we won’t have […]
January μField Day on the 21st
Micro Field Day is back again at the VCFD training center at the Camarillo airport, from 1100-1500 on Sunday, January 21. There’s a possibility of some rain, but nothing heavy predicted. Plus, last year we got POURED on at the airport and still had a great time. Keith will bring a couple of pop-up canopies. […]
December μField Day set
Novemeber’s µFD was a success at the VCFD Training Center, so we’re going back. Temps will be in the 70s, wind will be mild, the sun will be shining…it’s almost unfair to have such nice weather four days before the winter solstice, isn’t it? Sunday the 17th, from 1100 to 1500 as usual. As always, […]
μField Day for November
The BORED Net µField Day is ON for November! We weren’t able to get one in last month between my sudden trips out of town and availability of a suitable site, but the long wait is finally over thanks to Dan Dicke KE6NYT. Dan has arranged for the use of the Ventura County Fire Department’s […]
Special Announcement…μExpo!
Keith, Ed and Zak have been working on this for the last 6 months, and it’s time to make it public. On August 31, 2024, we’ll be holding our first BORED Net Ham Radio µExpo! We’ll announce the location once contracts are signed…why tempt fate ;). This is going to be an event by and […]
μField Day and Silent Key Picnic with VCARC
The Ventura County Amateur Radio Club is co-hosting another µField day with us on September 30th. It’s a quadruple-header event…starting at 0830 with a VE Test Session hosted by the club in their meeting room in the Dudley House in Ventura. After the VE session, the club is having their annual picnic combined with the […]
August μField Day
Thanks to everyone who came out µFD in July! It was fantastic…in fact, so fantastic that we’ve outgrown the usual spot at Rancho Potrero. There were 14 stations operating, and over 50 people came by! CRPD has said we need permits to hold the event there in the future. This is certainly possible, but misses […]