For the last three years, the BORED Net Group has been holding out monthly µField Day (say “Micro Field Day”) in Ventura County, where hams from all over can get together for informal portable ops and club-agnostic camaraderie. And now we’re stepping it up a notch…on August 31, 2024, we’ll be holding our first Ham Radio µExpo! This is in collaboration with the Cal State Channel Islands Amateur Radio Interest Group, and will be held on the CSUCI campus.

IMPORTANT UPDATE-the SOTA hike to activate Round Mountain has been cancelled.
Update-Ventura County Amateur Radio Club is putting on a T-Hunt-bring your Yagis! And if you don’t have one, visit the CVARC display and build one!
Highlighting the µExpo will be the ARRL Santa Barbara Section annual meeting, where members can discuss important matters, share updates, and collaborate on future initiatives. This comprehensive gathering will serve as a platform for hobbyists to connect, learn, and contribute to the amateur radio community.
And best of all…admissions is FREE!
Parking is $6 per vehicle all day. See the maps below for the best recommendation for parking. The campus will have all of its food services open all day as well.
We have a special call sign for the event, K6E. Anyone operating during the event can use this call. Submit your log to Keith W6KME after the event and he will take care of LOTW and QRZ submissions.
Communications support is provided by PVARC. Our primary channel will by #10 on the ACS List, the Ventura County Portable Repeater (see here), with simplex 145.555 MHz FM with no PL tone as our secondary. Thanks to WD6EBY for supporting this event.
The following maps show the same site in several different scales, starting with a large area overview. Use GPS coordinates 34.16185, -119.04516 to navigate to the loading/unloading area.
Main Hall Schedule
1000 Event starts
1100 AG6AG “You have your license…now what?”
1200 Orv Beach-AREDN Mesh
1300 VCARC VE Session
1500 Mark Smith (Smitty Halibut) Ham Radio Workbench
1600 Steve Noll-“Antennas and Propagation Phenomenon”
1700 -ARRL SB Section Annual Meeting