It’s on…µFD will be March 24th from 1100 to 1500 or so. Back again at the Ventura County Fire Department’s training ground at the Camarillo Airport.
As always, µFD is open to EVERYONE, all hams, all clubs, all people with or without licenses interested in ham radio and having a good time with like-minded people. Try new things, get questions answered, maybe try some Random Metal Objects of your own after seeing Keith’s talk on the subject at the CVARC General Meeting March 21st. Plus, we’ll be showing off some of the merch N6XEW has designed to help support the µExpo coming up on August 31st.
Put “34.2087, -119.0726” into your phone and it will get you there, or use what3words timeless.budget.glitter. Take the 101 to the Las Posas exit and head South to Pleasant Valley Road, and turn right/West. Then turn right on Airport Way (there’s a traffic light there.) Take that a few short blocks until it ends, and make another right on Durley. It will curve first to the left and then the right, and come to a gate. Turn right again and look for the hams.
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