µField Day is upon us again.
We had to cancel January because of mud. For February, we’ve picked a site where that won’t be a problem, a paved parking lot with grass on several sides. February 25, 1100 to 1500. We’ll be at Freedom Park at the Camarillo airport, in the lot next to the RC car racetrack. What3words is reduced.squeaking.riser, GPS is 34.207224, -119.086143. Email me directly for a .vcf file for phone nav if you like.
There’s a prediction of some light showers in the afternoon. One of the reasons we put this event on every month is for practicing what we would if we *needed* to operate portable, and weather is one of the things we need to be comfortable with. In November we had 30mph winds and everyone there found that it wasn’t as difficult to cope with as we expected. A little rain will probably be no different. I’ll have a canopy and table set up for anyone that wants to have a roof.
But you don’t have to bring a portable HF system to enjoy the afternoon hanging around with other hams. Just bring an HT…that counts as a portable ham radio setup. Or just bring yourself. It’s a good time to bring along someone you want to introduce to ham radio also; many times people have come along and decided to get a license themselves…and whaddya know, CVARC has a tech class starting in March 😉
If you’re volunteering for the marathon the next day, this is a perfect opportunity to make sure your gear is in working order! Don’t pass it up.
µField Day (say “micro”) is a monthly informal get-together put on by the BORED Net controllers, open to all hams and clubs in Ventura County as well as anyone else who wants to come by.

µField Day is Saturday!
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