Special Announcement…μExpo!

Keith, Ed and Zak have been working on this for the last 6 months, and it’s time to make it public. On August 31, 2024, we’ll be holding our first BORED Net Ham Radio µExpo!

We’ll announce the location once contracts are signed…why tempt fate ;). This is going to be an event by and for AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS, and is not going be be like most traditional “hamventions” that are often centered around manufacturers and commercial interests. It’s going to be like an outgrowth of your µFD events, something done by and for the people participating.

We’ll be inviting clubs from all up and down the Central Coast to take part, with exhibits for their clubs, exhibits by various special interest sub-groups (POTA, SOTA, CW, EME, satellites, etc.), emergency communications groups, organizations like ARRL… anyone and everyone involved with ham radio will be taking part. We’ll be inviting a few industry groups and vendors to participate, but not as marquee attractions. And of course, we’ll be holding a µField Day on the site…how could we pass that up?

We’ll have a day-long slate of speakers, A VE Session (what a day to get a new license or upgrade!), build sessions, and just a lot of fun. We’ve already started the process of inviting speakers.

There is a massive amount of work to be done in the next year. We’re going to need at some point volunteers to help us with planning, volunteers for the day of the event itself, help from the ham community in spreading the word. And most of all-we want to hear any and every idea people have about what they would like to see and do.

Keep your eyes on this site for news at it happens.






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