The Ventura County Amateur Radio Club is co-hosting another µField day with us on September 30th. It’s a quadruple-header event…starting at 0830 with a VE Test Session hosted by the club in their meeting room in the Dudley House in Ventura. After the VE session, the club is having their annual picnic combined with the BORED Net’s Silent Key picnic. This will last from about 1100 to 1500 along with the µFD setups. At the end of the day, we will hold a special net calling our fellow hams who are no longer with us. And honestly, it’s one of the nicest locations to gather around and play with radios.
Last spring, we had a combined VE Session/µFD, and it was extremely successful. New hams could come out of the test and be introduced to a wide range of radios and stations, and meet so many people in the hobby. And hams getting upgrades can be using their new privileges literally within minutes of passing their test. I also happen to love events where one of our local clubs can show off their digs and equipment for people outside the club.
Dudley House is at 197 N. Ashwood Avenue, on the SW corner of Ashwood and Loma Vista. 34.277357, -119.240017. What3words plank.tiling.future (if you haven’t tried what3words, or haven’t in a while, try it. It navigates using Google maps and you don’t need to remember long GPS coordinates. And now, the phone apps work even without internet connections. Good stuff.)
I recommend parking in the medical plaza on the west side of Dudley house-plenty of room.
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